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Thread: Locking on Door Slamming [MK7 GTI]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    Locking on Door Slamming [MK7 GTI]

    So, I've activated this and love the feature, just wondering though if there is a way to adjust/add an interval between when the door shuts and the car locking.

    As it stands, it's a tad annoying when I forget that I have the key in my pocket and jump out and need to grab something from the back seat - means I have to unlock the car via the fob again.

    Or, is there away that you can use the proximity feature of the key to auto lock the car when the key is out of range?
    Last edited by Olle; 03-06-2017 at 11:35 AM.
    2017 MKVII Golf GTI | Pure White | DSG | DAP

    Instagram @purewhitegti

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